Sunday, April 5, 2009


Decided to become a blogger only after losing my dearest sis in law. Her tragic death really shattered our lives. She was our pillar in the families (I mean both sides! She was the chatterbox while my brother is the quiet one.) She and I can really talk about anything . Last Saturday, exactly 10 days after her death, me, my brother and my niece went to her clinic in Ampang Putri to "kemas apa-apa yang patut". Very sad indeed when my brother had to pull down her clinic sign board. We were overwhelmed to see that she did touch a lot of souls as a Paed. Her patients really love her and there's alot of cards, photographs, gifts and flowers that we have to take home.

To those who knows her, thanks for your love and friendship. And to those who likes to spread stupid rumours, I just want to say "Selamat Maju Jaya di dunia dan lebih lebih lagi di akhirat". You guys really a champion!

To Kak Tinie dan Dr Amin Tai, selamatlah bersemadi dengan aman. Kita akan berjumpa juga nanti. Gonna miss you dear Sis.